5 Charge Or Barcode
Non Refundable - Booking Fee
: $3.00/booking
Initial Deposit - Refundable:
: $10.00/barcode
Total Initial Charges
: $53.00
Confirmation is immediate and we will send you barcode(s) via email and SMS. If you do not receive barcode(s) within a minute after booking, please check your spam folder in email or call us.
With this deposit, you will be able to charge your car fully 5 different time(s).
All barcode(s) in this booking must be used within 28 days from the date of booking. Deposit paid at the time of booking will be forfeited if the barcode(s) are not used within 28 days. Final receipt for each barcode will sent to you after your charging is complete each time.
User Information
Payment/Billing Information
   Card holder name and billing address is the same as above
   I agree to the terms and conditions.