Number of Charging Slots
  • Non Refundable - Booking Fee
  • Initial Deposit - Refundable **
  • Total Initial Charges
  • Per kWh Charge
1 Charge Or
  • $1.00/booking
  • $15.00/ barcode
  • $16.00
  • $0.34
Online Booking
3 Charge Or
  • $1.00/booking
  • $10.00/ barcode
  • $31.00
  • $0.29
Online Booking
5 Charge Or
  • $1.00/booking
  • $5.00/ barcode
  • $26.00
  • $0.24
Online Booking

** Refundable only upto 4 weeks or 28 days from the time of booking or from the date, the bar code is sent via SMS and email. If the barcode is not used within 28 days from the day or booking, deposit will be forfieted and is non refundable.